Cedar Key News


In the Garden - Daffodil Bulb Planting

Judi And Mandy


On October 19, 2011, the University of Florida IFAS Extension Office in Bronson hosted its Daffodils in North Florida presentation with speaker and author Linda VanBeck, most ably introduced by Barbara Edmonds. Thanks to Barbara, our UF/IFAS Levy Extension
Multi-County Master Gardener Service Coordinator, approximately twenty Master Gardeners enjoyed lunch, learning, and daffodil bulb planting suggestions in the newly dedicated demonstration garden.

Ms. VanBeck`s presentation was information laden; its content is precised below.

* October and November are ideal times to plant bulbs; December should be the very latest time to plant.
* Well-drained sandy loam with a Ph of 6.0 to 7.5 is best. If you must amend your soil, use only sand for clay soils and only leaves for sandy soils.
* Plant new daffodils within a week of purchase.
* If you must store bulbs, put them where air can circulate around them in an air-conditioned place.

* Select a location with a minimum of six hours of full sun from December through March.
* Space bulbs at a distance of three times their width to achieve a full look, planting them in clumps instead of rows.
* Overplanting daffodils hides dying foliage at season`s end and will reduce soil temperature.
* Loosen soil in the bed to twelve inches deep. Plant bulbs, tip pointing up, in four to six inch holes. Generally, plant bulbs two or three times as deep as the bulb is tall.
* Mulch with oak leaves or pine straw for two to four inches; other airy material will suffice. Do not use colored wood products or wood chips.
* Water well after planting. Then fertilize lightly with a spread of super phosphate which will awaken the bulb.
* If you need to fertilize later, a balanced fertilizer, such as 5-10-15 or 6-24-24, is best.

* Weed by hand to help aerate the soil.
* Divide daffodils after three to five years, when blooming diminishes.
* Once planted, daffodils should not be removed from the ground.

Happy Gardening!