Cedar Key News


2011 is History

Jim Hoy

2011 is history. The natural disasters, deadly tornadoes that hit Tuscaloosa, Joplin and many other communities, have reminded us of the force of nature. The Japanese tsunami that killed thousands and the nuclear disaster that followed at Fukushima shows that hoping for the best must be coupled with planning for, not just expecting, the worst.

For 2012 let us hope for the best.
1. Let`s hope that Billy Donovan`s Gators end the basketball season as Number 1.
2. Let`s hope for a cool summer
3. Let`s hope for a year without a hurricane.
4. Let`s hope that the Presidential Campaign gets more civilized with each passing month.

Whatever comes in the next twelve months, please keep in mind:
1. Failure to win a National Championship is not failure.
2. Almost any summer will be cooler than 2011was.
3. Making preparations for a hurricane, and evacuation if necessary, are much better than the alternatives.
4. Unless you want to live in Switzerland where the elections are really boring, stay calm through the next ten months of bombast and blarney.