Cedar Key News


Meet the Pirates: Krewe of the Scarlett Fortuna

Submitted by CKPP Correspondent

The Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise "Meet the Pirates" column is a continuing series of articles to introduce Cedar Key to the pirates and pirate groups who are attending the Cedar Key Pirate Invasion September 13-15, 2013.

The Largo based Krewe of The Scarlett Fortuna led by Captain Hawkeye Jim is an organization that promotes literary education for elementary school level children with interactive events. Their motto is "We promote literary education one (Arrh!) at a time." The KSF make appearances at schools to reinforce elements of a pirate story that the students were assigned to read. The KSF will act out portions of the story and explain the pirate vocabulary. The students come away with a greater understanding of what they have read and an excitement to read more and varied books.

When the KSF are not performing in their local schools they travel to pirate festivals, historical reenactments, and children`s programs around Florida spreading good pirate cheer and their message promoting literary education.
Members of this interesting and talented band of literate pirates will be sailing into town this Sunday June 14th to parlay with the Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise. They will be given a tour of our town, meet with our Pirate Approved Purveyors, and be treated to Cedar Key seafood feast. Before they do that they may be observed from a safe distance practicing there sword play in the park at 1:00 pm. Afterwards, they will be whisked off to meet with the other Cedar Key Pirates to celebrate our collaboration at the upcoming Cedar Key Pirate Invasion September 13-15, 2013.