March 2017

MAR 18 CKAC Jean YaoThe 53rd Annual Spring Arts Festival in Cedar is just three weeks away.  The Old Florida Celebration of the Arts Committee is hoping that you will want to be a PATRON this year.  Here are some are answers to some FAQs about the program.  Join in the fun!

  • WHO and WHAT IS A PURCHASE AWARD PATRON?  A PAP is anyone who wants to commit ahead of time to “go shopping.”  Patrons can be business owners, individuals or even someone who decides to buy a Purchase Award as a gift for a friend or family member (essentially a “Gift Certificate” to buy art at the festival). It’s a win-win-win for the Artist (sale); Patron (purchase) & Festival!
  • HOW DOES IT HELP THE FESTIVAL?  A well-funded PAP demonstrates community support.  When artists are deciding which festivals to participate in they often look at the amount money committed to purchase awards in prior years.  A strong PAP attracts top artists and creates loyalty in our most popular artists.  In turn the quality of art at the show improves and consequently Cedar Key’s reputation as a destination for art enthusiasts is enhanced, thus bringing visitors and support to our island community throughout the year. In addition, since 10% of a Purchase Award pledge becomes a tax-deductible contribution to the festival, PAPs help ensure the long term success and survival of the Old Florida Celebration of the Arts.  All, while having fun shopping!
  • HOW DOES IT WORK?  Purchase Awards are sold before the festival in denominations of $250 (each with a buying power of $225).  The week prior to festival, Purchase Award Coupons are distributed and patrons have all weekend to choose a piece of artwork and make their purchase(s) directly from the artist using the coupons. Coupons can be combined with other forms of payment. If a patron cannot find anything they like, the festival will refund the coupon price (minus 10%).
  • ARE THERE ANY OTHER PERKS TO BEING A PATRON?  Thanks to the generosity of Norm & Janice Fugate, patrons are welcomed each year to the Patrons Lounge in their offices next to the Cedar Key Arts Center. Patrons also receive an invitation to the Artists’ Reception and Awards Ceremony at the Arts Center Sculpture Garden Saturday evening, 5:00-6:30 pm and a big ribbon to give to the artist when a purchase is made.
  • HOW DO I SIGN UP?  It’s easy! Just email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 543-5400.

Pictured here: Jean Yao, Fiber Artist, Winner of 2016 Cedar Key Arts Center Creativity Award.
