by Crosby Hunt
January 20, 2018

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Okay, maybe slightly less than a million, but a healthy contingent of women and men turned out to commemorate the first anniversary of the massive Women's March on Washington, held last year the day after Donald Trump's inauguration. Organized by residents Lois Benninghoff and Linda Seyfert, who led a three-person march last winter to protest Trump's policies, the first annual Cedar Key March featured at least seventy-five concerned souls, who walked from the 1842 Daily Grind through Dock Street and around through the main part of town, carrying signs and exercising their First Amendment rights. "This is what I fought in Viet Nam for," said Sandy Powers, " the right to protest, to take a knee, to disagree with a president. It's an American thing." Vic-Mayor Sue Colson, who spoke to the crowd briefly before the march began, said the event was not necessarily pro or con anything in particular. "It's supposed to be a loosey-goosey affair," said Colson. "It's about what's in your hearts." 

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 During the approximately thirty minutes of walking, people from different backgrounds enjoyed the relatively mild weather and lively conversation. Marchers carried a wide variety of handmade signs. Tiffany Black, FWC researcher and local resident, proclaimed "Respect Existence or Expect Resistance.” Another interesting sign read: “’The World will be saved by Western Woman'- the 14th Dalai Lama. Take Up the Challenge." Library Manager Molly Jubitz carried a sign which referenced the history of her activism, which has spanned over sixty years. "I remember sitting at the feet of adults in my family who were debating Viet Nam. That's where it started." Deborah Anderson, who attended last year's historic Women's March on Washington, had a sign that read "Be Somebody Who Makes Everybody Feel Like a Somebody." Each participant in the first Cedar Key March felt like a somebody on Saturday afternoon; democratic ideals are alive and well even in the smallest of American towns.

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