August 7, 2014
The fourth budget meeting occurred in Cedar Key City Hall Thursday, August 7, 2014, at 6pm.  In attendance were Mayor Dale Register, Vice Mayor Sue Colson, Commissioners Tina Ryan, Royce Nelson, and Nettie Hodges.
Staff in attendance included the technically vacationing Police Chief/Public Works Director Virgil Sandlin who has returned from vacation twice for Budget Workshops, Fire Chief/Building Department Manager Robert Robinson, City Clerk Teresa George, and Staffer Lisa Fine.  Not in attendance were City Attorney Norm Fugate and City Consultant CPA Robert Beauchamp.
In the audience were Kathy Wright and companion Glen, Allison Nelson, Bob and Jeri Treat, and Mandy and Frank Offerle.
Sandlin continued the Public Works Department discussion, begun in the last workshop, by reminding the commissioners that they had not yet decided upon hiring or not hiring a full-time Public Works Director, the issue critical to the budget at hand. 
Commissioner Nelson immediately responded expressing his belief that the City needs a full-time Public Works Director.  “I’m adamant about that,” said he.  He also stated that he “just happens to have a person” in mind for the job.  As the discussion continued, both Commissioners Ryan and Colson said they, too, had a person in mind.
Commissioner Nettie Hodges asked Nelson, “With you being so adamant, what concerns do you really have that you feel like is lacking in the public works under his direction versus the police department under his direction?”
Nelson said that he thinks “the police department needs more management . . .  period.”
Nettie Hodges asked Nelson on what he bases his concerns. Nelson relayed an incident that he had heard regarding the police officers and was promptly responded to by Chief Sandlin with the actual facts.
Nettie Hodges stated the reason for questioning Nelson was that she had received a call regarding the Police Department and rumors and she has a concern with general citizens repeating what they have heard and not knowing the whole story and prefers to make a decision based on “personal knowledge” or after looking into the rumors, and not based on what she has heard other people say.
Each commissioner complimented Sandlin for his hard work, accomplishments, and able management of two full positions contemporaneously.   Commissioner Colson, a commissioner for over a decade, said “More stuff has been done under Virgil than anyone else we have had.” Colson agreed that this is something that he does not need to continue. She does like the idea of a Public Works Director.
Mayor Register said the island has never looked cared for more in his time here. 
Commissioner Ryan further complimented Sandlin. She also expressed that she agreed with Nelson in that a full-time Public Works Director was needed.  A full-time person with the proper skill set, she explained, would have time to do preventive maintenance, work with the crew in the field more, and have the time to manage the necessary paperwork attendant to grants and contracts falling with the position. Commissioner Nelson agreed, saying “We could do even better with good leadership.”
As he stated in the last Budget Workshop, Police Chief / Public Works Director Virgil Sandlin explained that he would do as the commission requested, either step down or remain in place.  Tonight, his only request was that if the commission were to replace him, he asked that they would move forward on the hiring process promptly.  
Mayor Register suggested that the commission “could wait until next week to decide” on the Public Works Director position.
  • Setting money aside to complete the legally required Americans with Disabilities-compliant bathrooms in City Hall, a project begun but set aside and put “on the list” of things to do, according to Commissioner Colson.
  • Tenting the library for pests, then repairing the HardiePlank exterior on at least one side.
  • The Cemetery, Library, and Garbage budgets remained unaltered. 
  • Resident Jeri Treat asked if WastePro’s tipping fee is increasing as she has observed WastePro picking up bulk items weekly now instead of monthly.  Commissioners replied that bulk items were, indeed, being picked up weekly and the tipping fee would be equal, no increased, if the items were picked up weekly or monthly.  Weekly pick up is advantageous as unsightly items do not sit on the roadside for as long as four weeks.
  • Sandlin will report back to the commissioners about $8,000 in the Streets and Transportation budget that was in question.
  • Discussion about the Creswell House illuminated the fact that the rent does not generate enough money to cover the insurance for the building.
  • Sandlin requested cameras be placed in City Park to deter roughhousing damage and vandalism.  Commissioner Colson will meet with current Levy County Commissioner Ryan Bell next week and plans to ask for funding for cameras to include the pier on Dock Street. The camera item will be moved from the Public Works’ budget to the Police Department’s budget and will be discussed at next Thursday’s meeting.
At 7:45pm the meeting was adjourned. 