October 28, 2014
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On Monday, October 27, 2014, Florida Department of Transportation personnel presented their preliminary replacement concepts for three Cedar Key bridges to a concerned audience of over seventy individuals. 

From 4:30 until 6:30 pm, FDOT personnel spoke informally to citizens individually or in small groups; all milled around a series of displays which included aerial photos, cross-sections, timelines, and budgets.  At 6:30 pm, seated audience members articulated their concerns to District Planning and Environmental Manager William Henderson.

The three bridges, to be concurrently replaced in 2017, and the FDOT’s preliminary concepts follow.

 Visualizing the changes evoked dramatic reactions from the audience, even though all seemed to understand that the bridges need to be replaced soon.   

Henderson responded, saying:


Henderson said his office would consider the citizens’ input, but “we’ll make the final decision.” 
Henderson clearly stated that that citizens must make their concerns heard.  He suggested using: 
Henderson stated that the FDOT group would return in January with its “preferred alternative.”
The message was clear.  If Cedar Keyans want or do not want specific items regarding the bridges, they must articulate that in writing en masse.
