September 2, 2014

36 million Americans have hearing loss and 7 million cannot afford hearing aids.  To answer the call of this underserved population, the Cedar Key Lions Club is partnering with local hearing professionals to not only provide hearing aids but also complete care including testing, fitting and follow-up care at no cost to qualified recipients.

If you are a resident of Cedar Key, Sumner or Rosewood, have a hearing impairment and limited income, you may qualify for this program.  Before applying for this program, please be advised that the following providers should be approached first for eligibility:

For children with hearing impairments:
Individual Family Education Plan (IFEDP)
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
States Children Health Insurance
Florida State Vocational Rehabilitation Department if they are:
Prospective and current college students
Individuals whose jobs are at risk due to hearing loss
Unable to find employment due to hearing loss

If you have been denied state and federal assistance, are unable to access commercial markets due to limited resources and are at one of the income levels as stated below, you are eligible to apply for this program.

# in Household   Annual Income
2                                                                   $22,065
3                                                                    27,795
4                                                                    33,525
5                                                                    39,255
6                                                                    44,985
7                                                                     50,715
8                                                                    56,445

Applications for Lions Hearing Aid assistance, as well as for vision care and eyeglasses are available at the Cedar Key Library.  Please mail all completed applications to: Cedar Key Lions Club, P.O. Box 68, Cedar Key, FL  32625.  Upon receipt of the application you will be called to schedule an interview. All information submitted on applications is confidential and all income will need to be verified with statement of benefits from SS, SSD, paycheck stubs, food stamp allowance, pensions, child support, AFDC and VA benefits.

As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”  The Cedar Key Lions Club stands ready to serve those in our community who are in need and are hearing impaired.
